Bishop Kelley Comet Challenge

2024 — Tulsa, OK/US

6A Lincoln Douglas

Abbreviation 6LD
Format Debate
Entry Fee $5.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

J. Lincoln-Douglas Debate
1. Only two (2) speakers are involved: one fulfilling the affirmative case responsibilities and the other, the negative.
The following format is used:
a) First Affirmative Constructive 6 minutes
b) Cross examination 3 minutes
c) First Negative Constructive 7 minutes
d) Cross examination 3 minutes
e) First Affirmative Rebuttal 4 minutes
f) First Negative Rebuttal 6 minutes
g) Second Affirmative Rebuttal 3 minutes
h) Each debater will be allowed a total of four (4) minutes preparation time during the course of the debate.
2. The national topic from the NSDA will be used for competition. The topic designated for March and April will be
used for regionals and state. The OSSAA will notify the schools of the topic.
3. Each judge will award the decision to the affirmative or negative and will award speaker points on a 1-4 point scale.
4. Judges may read evidence after the round for a period of time not to exceed five (5) minutes.
*5. Plagiarism or falsification of evidence in oratory, extemp, or debate shall result in suspension in that event for that
*6. The use of profanity and vulgarities is forbidden and may result in 0 speaker points or disqualification and a protest
being filed with the tournament director.
7. After debaters have debated preliminary rounds (including round robin), qualifying for the placement on the bracket
will be based on the following criteria: (1) win-loss record, (2) head-to-head meeting (only used to break a twoway tie), (3) total speaker points, (4) opponents’ win-loss record; (5) opponents’ speaker points. In all divisions of
debate, when only 3 rounds occur, all winning records must advance.
a) Placing teams on a 16 point bracket will be in this manner: See bracket on page SPE26.
b) Placing teams on an eight-point bracket from preliminary rounds will be in the following manner: See bracket
on page SPE29.
8. In qualifying tournaments, at least three preliminary rounds must occur to result in regional qualification. If sixteen
(16) or more compete, eight (8) must be advanced to elimination rounds. If thirty-two (32) or more compete, at
least sixteen (16) must be advanced to elimination rounds. If sixty-four (64) or more compete, at least thirty-two
(32) must be advanced to elimination rounds. At the discretion of the Tournament Director, to avoid the elimination
from competition of debaters with exact won-loss records, partial-elimination brackets will be allowed, giving
sufficient byes to the higher seeded contestants to fill the bracket. Partial-brackets will not be broken.
9. In 3A/4A regional tournaments with nine (9) teams entered, the four (4) teams with the best records from
preliminary rounds will qualify for bracketing. When ten (10) or more teams are entered, eight (8) teams will
qualify for bracketing. In regional and state tournaments, when eight (8) or fewer teams are entered, the round robin
system will be used.
10. Debaters from the same school should not be paired against each other in the first elimination round. The minimum
amount of bracket movement must be used. No brackets shall be broken after the first elimination round has
occurred. When moving debaters to break the bracket, move the lower seeded debater. Partial elimination rounds
are not considered the first elimination round for the purpose of breaking brackets.
11. Forfeiting a round to gain an advantage for the school will be a violation except in elimination rounds.
12. At all double elimination tournaments, brackets will not be broken to prevent two people from the same school from
13. When mixed classes debate in qualifying divisions, wins will be recorded as wins; losses will be recorded as losses;
and elimination rounds must be separated by class.
14. In all debate events, all students unable to return to scheduled competition on Saturday must notify the tournament
director before registration. Changes made after registration will be counted as a “Drop at Registration”: and fees
will be assessed by the tournament director. Students marked as “not returning” will not be reinstated after round
1 has begun.
Speech 2024-2025
15. Internet access is allowed in all forms of debate.
a) Computers or other electronic devices may not be used to receive information from any sources not
competing in the debate.
b) * Sanction: Contestants found to have violated the provision above shall be disqualified from the tournament
and shall forfeit all rounds. Contest directors shall be empowered with the final decision concerning
c) Availability of evidence: Contestants electing to use computers shall have the responsibility to
promptly/immediately provide access to any evidence read in a speech for inspection by the judge or
opponent. Printers may be used. Evidence may be printed in the round but must be provided in a format
readable by the opposing team and the judge.
d) Contestants electing to use computers are responsible for providing their own computers, batteries, extension
cords, and all other accessories. Tournament hosts shall not be responsible for providing internet access,
computers, printers, software, paper, or extension cords for contestants.
e) Sanction: Contestants found to have violated provisions a-c above shall forfeit the round of competition and
receive zero points. Contestants found to have violated provision d above shall be disqualified from the
tournament and shall forfeit all rounds. Contest directors shall be empowered with the final decision
concerning disqualification.