Bishop Kelley Comet Challenge

2024 — Tulsa, OK/US

Novice Standard Oratory

Abbreviation NSO
Format Speech
Entry Fee $4.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:


B. Standard Oratory
*1. This event is limited to students in grades nine and ten.
*2. For the purpose of this contest, a standard oration is defined as a speech, editorial or essay written by a person other
than the speaker and must be memorized. Use of a script is prohibited. Plays, poetry, and fictional monologues are
3. Each participant is to precede his selection by a short introduction in which s/he acquaints the audience with the
author, and the reason why this particular material was chosen for delivery, i.e., why it is worth giving.
4. The maximum time including the introduction is not to exceed ten (10) minutes.
*5. Verbal prompting from the audience is not allowed.
*6. All performances must be void of profanity, vulgarity, nudity, obscenity, and hate speech. Use of these may result
in lowered ranking or disqualification by the judges and a protest filed with the tournament director.