Alief Taylor IQT
2024 — Houston, TX/US
B: Prose Interp
Entry Fee
1 competitors per entry
Event Description:
NCFL Qualifying Event: "Oral Interpretation of Literature"
- The speaker shall prepare two programs of manuscript-based literature substantially different in content, author, and/or original source. Each program shall consist of a single piece, a cutting, or a series of short pieces united by author or theme. One program shall be published prose; the other, published poetry. If using a series of pieces, all titles and authors must be cited. It is the affirmative obligation of all NCFL coaches to ensure that all materials presented in interpretation events must be available and readily accessible to all members of the league.
- Each program must contain an introduction for purposes of explication, setting, or selection transitions.
- Lines attributed to one character in the published source must not be attributed to another character in the performance. The author's words as published in the literature must not be altered for the presentation with the exception that cutting is permitted.
- The literature chosen may include any form of prose or poetry, fiction or non-fiction. Drama, including theatrical monologues, is prohibited. Speeches written to be delivered in real-life are prohibited.
- Speakers may use a persona and/or character voices, but it is not necessary.
- No properties except a manuscript or binder may be used. Using “properties” means manipulating articles of clothing or objects to enhance the performance. Speakers using properties and/or wearing costumes will be disqualified.
- Only the performer’s feet may touch the ground.
Event Description: