Alief Taylor IQT

2024 — Houston, TX/US

D: Varsity Worlds

Abbreviation WSD
Format World Schools Debate
Entry Fee $35.00
Entry Teams of between 3 and 5 competitors

Event Description:

Prepared Motions:

Rd. 1/2: This House, as a state with an aging population, would prefer policies that increase immigration (e.g. more visas) over ones that encourage citizens to have more children (e.g. tax benefits).

Rd. 3: Topic Area - Social Media Applications
Rd. 4:This House would implement a living wage.

E1:Topic Area - Women's Sports

E2: This House would nationalize energy companies.

E3: This House regrets the narrative that democracy is the best form of governance.

E4: Topic Area - Secondary Education

Additional information about this event may be found here: