Singing River Classic

2024 — Pascagoula, MS/US


Abbreviation A-IMP
Format Speech
Entry Fee $10.00
Entry Limit Per School 10
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:


  • The tournament director will prepare a list of topics. The tournament director will provide the topics to the Judge. The Judge will give each student their three assigned topics for the round.
  • Upon receiving the three topics, the student will choose one topic on which to speak. The student may use notes while preparing to speak, but no notes may be used during the delivery of the speech. No computers, phones, or devices may be used to research; the speech should be original thought from the competitor.
  • The student will have a total of 7 minutes to prepare AND speak on the topic. There is a 30-second grace period. Students who exceed the time limit by more than 30 seconds should not be given first place in a panel.