Singing River Classic

2024 — Pascagoula, MS/US

Congressional Debate

Abbreviation CON
Format Congress
Entry Fee $10.00
Entry Limit Per School 6
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:


Congressional Debate will be held on Friday evening. Students entering Congress may not enter more than one Flight A event. Students may NOT enter Congressional Debate and any other debate event. Congressional debate will consist of one two-hour preliminary session and a two-hour super session on Friday evening.

  • No substitutions will be made in Congressional Debate. If a student does not show up or chooses not to compete, the school will lose that seat.

  • Internet-connected laptop computers and tablet devices may be used by delegates, but may not be used to receive information for competitive advantage from non-competitors (coaches, assistant coaches, teammates, other students, etc.) inside or outside of the room in which the competition occurs. Host sites have no obligation to guarantee internet access to competitors.

  • Each preliminary room will have 24 or fewer competitors. The total number advancing to the final Super Sessions will be determined by the number of preliminary chambers established.