University of Lynchburg Snowball Speech and Debate Tournament

2024 — Lynchburg, VA/US

Dramatic Interpretation

Abbreviation DI
Format Speech
Entry Fee $7.50
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Serious Dramatic Interpretation

Regulations: A selection of serious nature from published literature. Must have an introduction that gives title and author of the piece.

Time: 10 min. maximum (plus 30 second grace)

Movement in front "stage area" is allowed but should be purposeful. Use of body (gestures, appropriate eye contact, etc) to suggest character is permitted.

Judging Criteria: choice of selection, character development through distinct voice, focal points, and postures, clear enunciation and pronunciation, pacing, proper stress and timing, and volume. Monotone voice is to be avoided.

Manuscript: None allowed