University of Lynchburg Snowball Speech and Debate Tournament
2024 — Lynchburg, VA/US
Event Description:
Impromptu Speaking
Topics: include proverbs, ordinary objects, events, quotations, and famous people.
Drawing: Speakers shall be provided 3 topics by judge. They choose one. STUDENTS ARE TO REMAIN IN HALL UNTIL THEY SPEAK AND CANNOT LEAVE AFTER SPEAKING!
Preparation: As soon as topics revealed, time starts, and Speaker shall prepare speech without any reference materials or prepared notes.
Time: 7 min. maximum for preparation and speech. (plus 30 second grace). Time begins once topics revealed. Student may divide this time as he/she sees fit. Judge MUST GIVE verbal time cues until contestant speaks (“One minute passed…two minute has passed”). The timekeeper will indicate time elapsed at the beginning of the fourth minute of the speech, show the progression of minutes at five, six, 6:30 and at the end of the seventh minute indicate that time has expired.
Notes: contestants can use one 4x6 index card and use both sides for notes.
Judging Criteria: Relevance of theme to topic, content, logic, freshness, depth, clarity of organization, sincerity of speaker, voice and diction, control and use of body language.