Sundance Open Invitational Online

2022 — NSDA Campus, UT/US

Welcome to the Sundance Open Invitational Online!

January 6-8, 2022

We will be offering a range of asynchronous events in order to get us started after the break and get some good feedback!


Pro/Con Challenge---Any current Debate Topic (Nov/Dec or January LD/PF/2021-22CX/BQ/Any legislation for Congress) 

Prepared Extemp--Topics to be sent out Monday week of tournament, prepped, recorded and Uploaded by Wednesday night.

Prepared Impromptu---Topics to be sent out Monday week of tournament, prepped, recorded and uploaded by Wednesday night.

Declamation, Oratory, Interps, Informative, Storytelling, News Caster, Lip Sync, Poetry

Judging will occur starting Thursday Morning until Saturday afternoon.

Results sent out Saturday Evening




Pro/Con challenge allows debate students to read/deliver their cases and get feedback.

Each student will deliver their affirmative case (up to 6 min), and then they will deliver their Negative case/or deliver a rebutall/refutation (up to 4 min) to their affirmative case they just read.

Their Case may be on any of the current LD/PF/CX/BQ/Congress Topics.

As a judge you are looking for

Organization of argument

Use of relevent evidence to support claims

Logical analysis and reasoning to explain and connect evidence to claims

Clear argumentation to construct/defend each side of the argument

Delivery, articulation, inflection, body language, etc.

Here is a sample ballot for your reference