Edmonds Woodway Warrior ASYNC Tournament

2023 — ASYNC Online, WA/US

Impromptu Topics

Edmonds-Woodway Warrior ASYNCH Invitational
Impromptu Topics

Students should record receiving the topics, and the prep time as well as speaking time.

Contestants should choose one of the following options.

The contestant has six (6) minutes to choose one of available topics, organize thoughts and speak on the chosen topic. No notes may be prepared or used. The speaker must identify the chosen topic as part of the introduction.

Time limit: preparation and speaking time shall be a total of six (6) minutes. Contestants may use the time as they wish. If the speaker goes over a 30 second grace period the contestant may not be awarded first place in the round. No minimum time limit.

- - “How inappropriate to call this planet Earth when it is quite clearly Ocean.” – Arthur C. Clarke

- - Greenhorn

- - How do we cope with the divisiveness of American society?

- - “It has yet to be proven that intelligence has any survival value.” – Arthur C. Clarke

- - Newbie

- - How do we deal with relatives for the holidays?

- - “This is the first age that's ever paid much attention to the future, which is a little ironic since we may not have one.” – Arthur C. Clarke

- - How do we best challenge the narrative that Gen Z is entitled?