Copper Classic

2023 — South Jordan, UT/US

Varsity SPAR

Abbreviation V-Sp
Format Speech
Entry Fee $5.00
Overall Entry Limit 42
Entry Limit Per School 3
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:



SPontaneous ARgumentation
In this event, students are paired together and given a topic. Once the topic is chosen, a coin toss is done; whoever wins the coin toss chooses if they want to be Affirmative or Negative for the topic. Whoever loses chooses if they want to speak first or second in the debate. Students can use the internet on their phone during their prep time. If there is an odd number, pair the odd numbered competitor with a student who has already debated, however only judge the performance of the odd numbered student so that you have feedback for them. Make sure to leave feedback for each competitor on the ballot on Tabroom. When ranking this event, it is not about who “won” the debate or “convinced” you of anything, it is about the speaking, delivery, and presentation skills they displayed. If those skills were strong, they likely “won” their SPAR debate but you can still rank someone highly even though they didn't necessarily “win”.

1st Constructive (2 min): The debater supporting or negating the resolution presents their case/position.

Cross Examination (1 min): The debater who listened asks the affirmative debater who spoke questions.

2nd Constructive (2 min): The opposite debater now presents their case/position.

Cross Examination (1 min): The debater who listened asks the debater who spoke questions.

Mandatory Prep Time (1 min): Both debaters take 1 min to prepare for rebuttal arguments.

Affirmative Rebuttal (2 min): The affirmative debater refutes the negative debater's case and reinforces their own case.

Negative Rebuttal (2 min): The negative debater refutes the affirmative debater's case and reinforces their own case.

Mandatory Prep Time (1 min): Both debaters have one minute to prepare for summary arguments.

Affirmative Summary (2 min): The affirmative debater explains why the judge should vote in their favor.

Negative Summary (2 min): The negative debater explains why the judge should vote in their favor.