Copper Classic

2023 — South Jordan, UT/US

JV Congress

Abbreviation JV-Cg
Format Congress
Entry Fee $5.00
Overall Entry Limit 100
Entry Limit Per School 5
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:


Skill (Score between 0-2 for speaker points)

Explanation of Skill to be Demonstrated

Parliamentary Procedure

0 1 2

Clear in explaining protocols and rulings


0 1 2

Fair and efficient in recognizing speakers and questioners, and maintains appropriate speaker precedence and recency


0 1 2

Maintains decorum of delegates, and willing to rule dilatory motions/business out of order


0 1

Fosters a respectful, professional, and collegial atmosphere


0 1

Overall use of language, avoiding unnecessary verbiage


Skill (Score between 0-2 for speaker points)

Explanation of Skill to be Demonstrated

Originality of Thought

0 1

Extent to which speech advances debate or merely repeats previously stated ideas; whether speaker refutes opposing arguments

Organization and Unity

0 1 2

While speeches that respond to other arguments advanced in the session are often spontaneous and extemporaneous, the speaker should attempt to organize ideas and have cohesiveness

Evidence and Logic

0 1 2

Cites credible sources and warrants claims accordingly that is relevant and supports claim/ideas


0 1 2

Extemporaneous vs. reading a manuscript, seriousness of purpose, style and poise, articulation, inflection, enunciation

Answering Questions

0 1

Logic, reasonable, uses evidence when needed