Charger Challenge 2024

2024 — Draper, UT/US


Abbreviation IMP
Format Speech
Entry Fee $5.00
Overall Entry Limit 40
Entry Limit Per School 6
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:



For Impromptu, you will be given a set of topics for that round. If it is an online tournament, you will see a drop down of topics per round and you will copy and paste the three topics for each speaker individually on their turn into the chat. You will then ensure they have received the topics in the chat and start their timing. They have 7 min total in which to prepare and give the speech. Most take 2 min to prepare and give a 4-5 min speech, but it doesn't matter how much they take of prep or how long the speech is. You are looking for organization, examples to support, relevance to the topic chosen, and overall good speech skills in the speech and presentation. They are not supposed to use notes when giving their speech, although they may use paper and write notes during prep.

Impromptu is a public speaking event that tests a student’s ability to analyze a prompt, process his or her thoughts, organize the points of the speech, and deliver them in a clear, coherent manner. Students’ logic is extremely important. They must be able to take an abstract idea, such as a fortune from a fortune cookie, and put together a speech that has a thesis and supporting information.

In speech, a typical round will contain six different contestants, although this number can fluctuate depending on how many students are entered in the event. Prior to the start of the round, the judge will pick up a set of ballots from the tournament organizer. These ballots are where judges will record their thoughts on each performance, suggestions for improvement, and general feedback for the performer. At the end of the tournament, each school will receive all the ballots written about their competitors so contestants can use your feedback to improve!

The judge will meet the students in the assigned room and watch the entirety of the round, which usually lasts for one hour. During each speech, the judge will make notes on the ballot, keep the contestant’s time, and ensure the round runs smoothly.

Students will occasionally ask for time signals, it is up to you whether or not you would like to honor that request. Time signals are a simple system that let competitors know how much time they have used throughout the speech. The most common time signals are to alert the student when they have two minutes remaining by holding two of your fingers in the air, like a peace sign, and to alert them when they have one minute remaining by holding one finger in the air.

Please refer to the ballot for judging. We don't use points but you should reference those in final placements to ensure less bias.


Skill (Score between 1-5 for speaker points)

Explanation of Skill to be Demonstrated


1 2 3 4 5

Does the student have a clear structure to their speech? Are transitions used to move effectively between each part of the speech? Does the development of the speech make sense?


1 2 3 4 5

Does the student directly address the prompt? Does the student develop justifications for their ideas and establish significance to the points?


1 2 3 4 5

Does the student use voice, movement, and expression effectively? Is the speaker confident? Is there consistent eye contact? Is the volume appropriate?