Charger Challenge 2024

2024 — Draper, UT/US

Async Informative

Abbreviation A Info
Format Speech
Entry Fee $3.00
Entry Limit Per School 10
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:


Time Limit: Up to 10 min.

Informative is a speech written by the student with the intent to inform the audience on a topic of significance. Informative gives students the unique opportunity to showcase their personality while educating the audience. Visual aids are allowed, but NOT required. If aids are used, then they should work well within the speech and not detract from or disrupt the flow of presentation.

An Informative is not simply an essay about the topic—it is a well researched and organized presentation with evidence, logic, and sometimes humor to convey a message. Topics are varied and interesting. Whether it be a new technological advance the audience is unaware of or a new take on a concept that everyone is familiar with, Informative is the students opportunity to teach the audience. Types of topics and structure vary greatly.

Please use the following ballot for reference. We do not use points, but we should refer to totals to help in final ranking in order to lessen personal bias.


Skill (Score between 1-5 for speaker points)

Explanation of Skill to be Demonstrated


1 2 3 4 5

Is the topic timely? Is the thesis clearly established? Does the delivery assist in establishing the importance of the topic?


1 2 3 4 5

Can the audience relate to the topic? Is the delivery personable? Does the speaker establish how others are impacted by the topic? Does the speaker do a good job informing?


1 2 3 4 5

Does the speaker address the topic in a unique, inventive way? Are the supporting examples new and interesting?


1 2 3 4 5

Does the student use voice, movement, and expression effectively? Is the speaker confident? Is there consistent eye contact? Is the volume appropriate? If using a visual-does it add to their speech in an appropriate manner? (NOTE-VISUALS ARE NOT REQUIRED AND IF A CONTESTANT DOES NOT HAVE ONE IT SHOULD IN NO WAY BE A FACTOR IN LOWERING THEIR RANKING)