Clash Valley 3 The Good The Clash and The Valley

2024 — Millville, UT/US

Debate Deathmatch

Abbreviation DD
Format Debate
Entry Fee $0.00
Entry Limit Per School 4
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Debate deathmatch is a debate event in which individuals compete in four rounds of four different debate events. You will be judging one of those rounds. Like all debate events, you will listen to each side and select a winner based on their arguments and delivery. You will select a winner as well as assign speaker points based on their speaking skills and according to a rubric. The rubrics are in the judges room and shown below.

The rounds are listed below:

Round 1: Lincoln Douglass:


Skill (Score between 4-6 for speaker points)

Explanation of Skill to be Demonstrated



4 5 6

Arguments were presented in a manner that was clear and understandable to the judge.


4 5 6

Presentation, style, poise, articulation/enunciation, and inflection are effective in delivering the arguments and responding to the opponent.

Evidence and Logic

4 5 6

Cites credible sources and warrants claims accordingly that is relevant and supports claim/ideas, . The nature of proof should be in the logic and the ethos of a student's independent analysis and/or authoritative opinion.

Cross Examination

4 5 6

Cross-examination should clarify, challenge, and/or advance arguments

Overall Presentation

4 5 6

Behavior is ethical, respectful of topic, opponent, and judge in manners and tone.

Round 2:

Superfight Impromptu:

At the beginning of the round, students will select three white cards and three black cards. They will then select from those cards, one white card and two black cards. The rest of the cards should be discarded. The judge will then hand one random black card to each of the students. At this point, both students will have one white card (their fighter) and three black cards (their character's traits). Students will then get five minutes To prepare their constructive speeches. The speaking order and time will then proceed as follows:

Initial Prep time: 5 minutes

Competitor 1 constructive speech: 3 minutes

Competitor 2 constructive speech: 5 minutes

Competitor 1 rebuttal: 2 minutes

Cross Fire (both students ask and answer questions): 3 Minutes

Competitor 1: Summary Speech: 3 Minutes

Competitor 2: Summary Speech 3 Minutes

Running Prep time: 3 minutes each

Skill (Score between 4-6 for speaker points)

Explanation of Skill to be Demonstrated



4 5 6

Arguments were presented in a manner that was clear and understandable to the judge.


4 5 6

Presentation, style, poise, articulation/enunciation, and inflection are effective in delivering the arguments and responding to the opponent.

Evidence and Logic

4 5 6

Cites credible sources and warrants claims accordingly that is relevant and supports claim/ideas, . The nature of proof should be in the logic and the ethos of a student's independent analysis and/or authoritative opinion.

Cross Fire

4 5 6

Cross-examination should clarify, challenge, and/or advance arguments

Overall Presentation

4 5 6

Behavior is ethical, respectful of topic, opponent, and judge in manners and tone.

Round 3: Maverick BQ


Skill (Score between 4-6 for speaker points)

Explanation of Skill to be Demonstrated



4 5 6

Arguments were presented in a manner that was clear and understandable to the judge.


4 5 6

Presentation, style, poise, articulation/enunciation, and inflection are effective in delivering the arguments and responding to the opponent.

Evidence and Logic

4 5 6

Cites credible sources and warrants claims accordingly that is relevant and supports claim/ideas, . The nature of proof should be in the logic and the ethos of a student's independent analysis and/or authoritative opinion.

Cross Examination

4 5 6

Cross-examination should clarify, challenge, and/or advance arguments

Overall Presentation

4 5 6

Behavior is ethical, respectful of topic, opponent, and judge in manners and tone.

Round 4: Extemporaneous Debate

Students will be given a choice of three topics. Judge will flip a coin and the winner gets to choose either to pick the topic (from the three provided) or pick the side they want to debate. The loser of the coin toss gets to pick the other one. Students are then given 20 minutes to prepare a case and then speech times are as follows:

  • Affirmative Constructive:2 minutes to present the case
  • Negative-Affirmative Cross Examination:1 minute for the negative to question the affirmative
  • Negative Constructive:2 minutes to present the case or offer a rebuttal
  • Affirmative-Negative Cross Examination:1 minute for the affirmative to question the negative
  • Time Out:1 minute for mandatory preparation
  • Affirmative Rebuttal:2 minutes to refute the opposition and reaffirm the case
  • Negative Rebuttal:2 minutes to refute the opposition and reaffirm the case
  • Affirmative Closing:2 minutes to justify how the affirmative won the debate
  • Negative Closing: 2 minutes to justify how the negative won the debate