SAUSD Winter Classic

2024 — Hybrid: Online & Saddleback HS, CA/US

Intermediate Spanish Interpretation

Abbreviation I SPN
Format Speech
Entry Fee $0.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

SAUSD Spanish Interpretation [Intermediate]

  1. Using a short story, parts of a novel, or another published work of prose or poems, students interpret one or more selections, including an introduction. Utilizing a single piece of literature, Prose (PRO) can be drawn from works of fiction or non-fiction. Prose corresponds to usual (ordinary/common) patterns of speech and may combine elements of narration and dialogue. in this category. Using Poetry: Poetry is writing that expresses ideas, experiences, or emotions through the creative arrangement of words according to their sound, rhythm, and meaning. Poetry may rely on verse and stanza form.

  2. Selections: Any source material must meet the Interpretation Source Rules for PDFs, e-books, and online material. A Poetry piece may consist of one entire poem, a cutting of a single longer poem, or a collection of short poems or cuttings from one source or several sources arranged in a program.

  3. Students can use a single piece of work or a collection. Each piece included in the performance must be mentioned with the title and author in the introduction.

  4. All pieces must be majority in Spanish.

  5. Time:

    1. Intermediate School: The maximum time limit is 7 minutes with a 30-second “grace period. Should a student go beyond the grace period, the student may not be ranked 1st. No minimum time is mandated.

  6. Presentation: Performances must be from a manuscript (which may be in a folder). Reading from a book or magazine is not permitted.

    1. If students are not memorized, they may not be ranked 1st.