SAUSD Winter Classic

2024 — Hybrid: Online & Saddleback HS, CA/US

Intermediate Original Spoken Word

Abbreviation I OSW
Format Speech
Entry Fee $0.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

1. Original Spoken Word Poetry is an event where students write and perform original poetry. Original Spoken Word Poetry is poetry written for performance to express ideas, experiences, or emotions through the creative arrangement of words according to their sound, rhythm, and meaning.

2. The maximum time limit is 5 minutes with a 30-second grace period. A successful performer will craft a piece that elicits critical thought, reflection, and emotion. As opposed to traditional Poetry, Spoken Word Poetry is created to be performed aloud and may feature rhythmic flow, vivid imagery, wordplay, gestures, lyrical elements, and repetition. No minimum time is mandated.