SAUSD Winter Classic

2024 — Hybrid: Online & Saddleback HS, CA/US

Elementary Declamation

Abbreviation E DEC
Format Speech
Entry Fee $0.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Basics: Declamation requires students to select a speech delivered in public and perform an excerpt of that speech to an audience. As a result, students typically shorten the text of the speech to meet time requirements. The event is not designed for students to mimic the original author of the speech. Instead, speakers are to develop an oration that delivers the author's message originally and engagingly. [Speeches come from places like TedTalk, Graduation Speeches, presidential speeches or UN speeches for example.

Time Length:

Length: Declamation is a 5-minute event with a 30-second “grace period.” Should a student go beyond the grace period, the student may not be ranked 1st. No minimum time is mandated.

Source: The speech must have been delivered in public and available in print (copies from a publicly available website will also be sufficient).

Introduction: The speaker should present an introduction that states the title, author, and date of the speech they are reciting.

The Declamation could follow this general structure but does not have to follow
•Teaser– Student delivers a small portion of the speech to establish the mood and general theme
•Introduction– student delivers the introduction [Includes speaker/author of speech, location and date speech was given, and the title of the speech].
•Main Body of Speech–

•Conclusion of Speech–