SAUSD Winter Classic

2024 — Hybrid: Online & Saddleback HS, CA/US

Elementary Lincoln Douglas Debate

Abbreviation ELE LD
Format Debate
Entry Fee $0.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Resolution for December Tournament: Students should have a longer summer vacation instead of a four-day school week.

Elementary Debate

Name of Speech

Description of Speech

Time Limit

Affirmative Constructive

This is a pre-written speech. The affirmative debater must have 2 reasons why the resolution should be passed, plus 1 logical argument about why the judge should prefer their reasoning.

5 minutes

Cross-examination 1

The negative debater has 2 minutes to ask the affirmative debater questions.

2 minutes

Negative Constructive

This is a pre-written speech. The negative debater must have 2 reasons why the resolution should NOT be passed, plus 1 logical argument about why the judge should prefer their reasoning.

5 minutes

Cross-examination 2

The affirmative debater has 2 minutes to ask the negative debater questions.

2 minutes

Affirmative Rebuttal

The affirmative speaker has 3 minutes to respond to the negative debater's arguments. This speech SHOULD NOT be pre-rewritten.

3 minutes

Negative Rebuttal

The negative speaker had 3 minutes to respond to the affirmative debater’s arguments. This speech SHOULD NOT be pre-written.

3 minutes

*The time limit is MAX, but there are no time minimums.