Delta Novice

2024 — Pasco, WA/US

Tall Tales

Abbreviation TT
Format Speech
Entry Fee $5.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Tall Tales (not a State event) is supposed to be fun. Tall Tales is similar to Impromptu speaking in that it is not planned; however, it should be practiced. Each participant will receive three words. You must use all three words in your creative story. Like Impromptu, you have six minutes to prepare and present.Have a strong opening, but make sure you know how you’ll end your story. These stories should be outrageous and exaggerated, and must have a beginning, a middle, and an end.

This event should be fun. The competitors and audience should enjoy themselves. The student who can tell the tallest tale, utilizing all three given words, should win the round.

The speaker will be given three words to incorporate into his/her speech. The student will then have six (6) minutes to prepare and speak. If the speaker goes over a 30 second grace period, that contestant may not be awarded the first place in the round. No minimum time limit.

If a speaker does not incorporate all three words in his/her speech, the speaker will be ranked last.