The Pike School Fall Into Speech Novice Tournament 2024

2024 — Andover, MA/US


Abbreviation DEC
Format Speech
Entry Fee $8.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Declamation: An event in which the student delivers a readily accessible spoken speech, from text or memory, which was originally written and given as a public address by another speaker. The student should effectively convey the message of the original speaker in a sincere and realistic style--imitation is not the goal. The presentation must include an introduction (author, place, and date of delivery) and any other relevant information about the author, oration or its historical significance at some point. (Please note: In this category, do not critique the content of the message presented, as it is not the work of the individual student. Evaluate the student’s presentation regardless of your own opinion on the subject matter.)

Time limit: 7 minutes with a 30 second grace period. Students who speak beyond the time limit plus the grace period may not be ranked 1st. Judges should offer to provide visual time signals.