The Pike School Fall Into Speech Novice Tournament 2024

2024 — Andover, MA/US

Dramatic Performance

Abbreviation DP
Format Speech
Entry Fee $8.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Dramatic Performance: A readily accessible story line from a single play, prose, movie or TV script (monologue or multi-character) delivered by a single student, from text or memory, using no props or costumes. Students should embody character(s) in stance, gesture, movement, facial expressions and vocal quality; striving for believable portrayals. Students are required to provide brief introductory remarks at some point, which at the least must identify the title and author of the work.

Time limit: 7 minutes with a 30 second grace period. Students who speak beyond the time limit plus the grace period may not be ranked 1st. Judges should offer to provide visual time signals.