The Pike School Fall Into Speech Novice Tournament 2024

2024 — Andover, MA/US


Abbreviation IMP
Format Speech
Entry Fee $8.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Impromptu Speaking: A student will pull three prompts at random, select one and have seven minutes in which to prepare and present a short, well-organized talk inspired by the chosen “jump start.” Students MUST adhere to the chosen prompt. The speech should have a logical beginning, middle and end. Students may speak with or without the assistance of a 3x5 index card. Please note: In this category, it is vital to comment upon both the content and the delivery of the student’s message; however, evaluate the student’s presentation regardless of your own opinion on the subject matter. Used prompts should be discarded, the other two should be returned to the envelope for the next speakers.

Total Preparation and Presentation Time limit: 7 minutes with a 30 second grace period. Students who speak beyond the time limit plus the grace period may not be ranked 1st. Judges should provide verbal time signals during the preparation time and visual time signals once the speaker begins speaking.