The Pike School Fall Into Speech Novice Tournament 2024

2024 — Andover, MA/US

Original Oratory

Abbreviation OO
Format Speech
Entry Fee $8.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Original Oratory: An original, persuasive speech on any topic of concern to the student, delivered from text or memory. The speech may be humorous or serious in nature, but the speaker should strive to identify a specific problem or concern and provide possible strategies and/or solutions in a natural and realistic way. The speaker should be held accountable for substantiating and supporting main positions with a variety of effective supporting material from qualified sources. There should be a clear structure that helps the listener follow the speech’s flow and appreciate the use of supporting material. There is a maximum of 150 directly quoted words. Please note: In this category, it is vital to comment upon both the writing and the delivery of the student’s message; however, evaluate the student’s presentation regardless of your own opinion on the subject matter.

Time limit: 7 minutes with a 30 second grace period. Students who speak beyond the time limit plus grace period may not be ranked 1st. Judges should offer to provide visual time signals.