Panther Pride MS Tournament

2021 — NSDA Campus, UT/US

Welcome to our Panther Pride Middle School Tournament!!!

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We will be offering six events for competition:
In Debate: Lincoln Douglas and Policy
In Speech: Extemporaneous, Impromptu, Interpretation (Humorous and Dramatic), and Original Oratory
Speech events Extemp and Impromptu may be doubled entered with Interp and OO.

All events will be done online with Interpretation and Original Oratory done asynchronously - video submissions should be uploaded no later than Wednesday at 5pm.

Please ensure that you enter your entries in a timely manner and be aware of the deadlines posted.

Also, judges are necessary to ensure that the tournament runs smoothly, please get those in ASAP. They must be a Varsity Team member or an adult and registered in Tabroom. Make sure that they are given instructions as to what events they will be doing and are aware of the time commitment for the day.

Review the Event/Round Rules (contacting outside individuals, no recording of online rounds, observers in rooms, evidence, etc...).

The schedule is posted here in the webpage on the right, along with judge training.

Please reach out to Jason or I with any questions or concerns as early as possible so we can address them in a timely manner and make this tournament run as smoothly as possible.

Susan and Jason