Tiger Takedown

2024 — Hurricane, UT/US

Lincoln Douglas

Abbreviation LD
Format Debate
Entry Fee $4.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Lincoln Douglas:

Lincoln Douglas or LD is a debate event based upon the morals and ethics of a resolution rather than being based on evidence alone. It is a 1-on-1 debate where the debaters will be given their sides before the round begins and will have pre-prepared cases. The times are as follows:

Affirmative Constructive - 6 mins; This speech will consist of the Affirmative (Aff) side presenting their case

Cross Examination - 3 mins; The Negative (Neg) side will ask the Aff questions about their case in order to gain clarity for later speeches

Negative Constructive - 7 mins; This speech will consist of the Neg presenting their case as well as addressing as many parts of the Aff case as possible

Cross Examination - 3 mins; The Aff side will ask the Neg questions about their case in order to gain clarity for later speeches

Affirmative Rebuttal - 4 mins; The Aff will address/attack as many parts of the Neg case as possible as well as refute and attacks made towards their case during the Neg constructive

Negative Rebuttal* - 6 mins; The Negative will refute all attacks made against their case as well as refute defenses the attack made for previous attacks. Then give voters.

Affirmative Final Rebuttal** - 3 mins; The Aff will finalize all arguments made throughout the round and give voters

Prep-Time - 4 mins; Both sides have a total of 4 minutes of preparation time that they can choose to use before any of their speeches they can either have a “running prep” where a stopwatch will be started and whatever time they use will be deducted from their 4 minutes. Or, they can simply say something like “I will be using 1 minute of my prep time” which will leave them with 3 minutes

* there should be a minimal amount of points addressed in this speech that haven’t been addressed in the previous Neg speech

** This speech cannot address ANY points made throughout the whole round that have not been previously addressed by the Affirmative

All Speeches have a 30 second grace period going either way, do NOT deduct points for time unless a speaker surpasses this.