The Vorto Season Opener

2024 — NSDA Campus, US

Extemporaneous Commentary

Abbreviation EXC
Format Speech
Entry Fee $5.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Drawing: Twenty minutes before the round begins, the first speaker shall draw three topics, select one, and return the other two. The remaining contestants will draw in the order of speaking at six-minute intervals.

Preparation: Once a topic is chosen, the contestant shall prepare a speech without consulting others or using prepared notes. Students may use published books, magazines, newspapers, and articles under the following conditions:

  • They are originals or photocopies of originals.
  • Originals or copies must be intact and uncut.
  • No written material should be on originals or copies.
  • Topical indices without annotations are allowed. No other materials, such as speeches, handbooks, briefs, or outlines, are allowed in the prep room. Underlining or highlighting is permitted if done in only one color per article or copy. Source citations must meet MLA standards.

Notes: No notes are allowed during the presentation.

Time: The maximum time limit is 5 minutes with a 30-second grace period. If a contestant exceeds the grace period, they may not be ranked 1st. There is no other prescribed penalty for exceeding the grace period. Rankings are at the judges' discretion, and accurate timing devices must be used. No minimum time is required.

Presentation: The commentary must be delivered seated behind a table or desk.