The Vorto Season Opener

2024 — NSDA Campus, US

Poetry Interpretation

Abbreviation POE
Format Speech
Entry Fee $5.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

  • Definition and Selections:

    • Poetry is a form of writing that expresses ideas, experiences, or emotions through the creative arrangement of words, considering their sound, rhythm, and meaning. It may use verse and stanza form. Plays or other dramatic works are not allowed. A poetry piece can be drawn from one or multiple sources. This includes an entire poem, a cutting from a longer poem, or a collection of poems from one or several sources.
  • Reuse:

    • The same source used in events like Duo, Dramatic, Humorous, or Program Oral Interpretation cannot be reused. If using an anthology for Poetry, the same anthology can be used, but the exact poems previously performed in these main events cannot be repeated.
  • Time:

    • The performance must be within a 5-minute limit, with a 30-second grace period. If the grace period is exceeded, all judges must agree to the time violation for the contestant to be excluded from a 1st place ranking. No minimum time is required, and judges should use accurate timing devices.
  • Presentation:

    • Performances must be delivered from a manuscript, which may be kept in a folder. Reading from a book or magazine is not allowed.