The Vorto Season Opener

2024 — NSDA Campus, US

Informative Speaking

Abbreviation INF
Format Speech
Entry Fee $5.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

  • Purpose and Content: The main goal of an informative speech is to explain, define, describe, or illustrate a topic, aiming to enhance audience understanding. The speech should focus primarily on delivering information, with any elements of entertainment or persuasion being secondary. Topics must be factual; fabricated topics are prohibited. Choose a subject that provides new insights or perspectives, even if it is widely known. Any non-factual or personal references must be clearly identified.

  • Contest Guidelines:

    • Speeches must be original, memorized, and created specifically for the current contest season. Previously used speeches are not permitted. Manuscripts must be available for protests and include identified quotations, total quoted words, and a work-cited page. Both the speaker and coach must sign to confirm the speech is the contestant’s original work. At the National Tournament, a typed manuscript with a works cited page must be submitted during online registration.
  • Aids and Equipment:

    • Audio/visual aids are optional and should support the message without distracting from it. For the National Tournament final round, a table will be provided for visual aids. Prohibited items include electronic equipment (e.g., projectors, cell phones), live animals, additional people, and costumes used for illustration. Distribution of items to judges or the audience is not allowed.
  • Time and Length:

    • The speech must be within a 10-minute limit, with a 30-second grace period. If the grace period is exceeded, all judges must agree on the time violation for the contestant to be excluded from a 1st place ranking. No minimum time is required. Accurate timing devices should be used.
  • Quotations:

    • A maximum of 150 words of direct quotation is allowed. Quotations must be identified orally during the speech and also included in a printed copy.