The Vorto Season Opener

2024 — NSDA Campus, US

Program Oral Interpretation

Abbreviation POI
Format Speech
Entry Fee $5.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:


Program Oral Interpretation (POI) involves the oral interpretation of thematically-linked selections from at least two different genres: prose, poetry, and drama (plays). Competitors must use at least two pieces of literature from at least two separate genres. Unlike other interpretation events, POI allows the use of multiple sources. The title or author of all selections must be identified verbally in the introduction and/or transitional phrases. The primary author or source must be cited. A Works Cited of all sources must be available to tournament officials upon request. Competitors should aim to devote approximately equal time to each genre used.


  • Prose: Includes fiction (short stories, novels) and non-fiction (articles, essays, journals, biographies), expressed through language in sentences and paragraphs.
  • Poetry: Expresses ideas, experiences, or emotions through creative word arrangement, relying on sound, rhythm, and meaning, often in verse and stanza form.

Contest Rules

  • Manuscript Use: A manuscript is required and may be used as a prop, provided it remains in contact with the contestant's body at all times. Reading from a book or magazine is not allowed. No costumes or props other than the manuscript are permitted. Pictures, graphics, or illustrations are considered visual aids and may not be displayed. Introduction and transitional material may be memorized, but the script must be addressed during the performance.

  • Length: The time limit is 10 minutes with a 30-second grace period. If the speaker exceeds the grace period, they cannot be ranked 1st. There is no other prescribed penalty for going over the grace period. The ranking is at each judge’s discretion. Judges must use accurate timing devices. No minimum time is required.

  • Publication Rules: Adaptations may only be used for transitions and must be clearly indicated in ink. Word changes for eliminating profane language or additions for transitions must be noted. Transitions are for clarifying the logical sequence of ideas, not for enhancing the humorous or dramatic effect of the literature.