The Vorto Labor Day Classic

2024 — NSDA Campus, US

Declamation Speaking

Abbreviation DEC
Format Speech
Entry Fee $5.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Time Limit

  • Maximum Time: 10 minutes.
  • Grace Period: A 30-second grace period is allowed. If the speaker exceeds this grace period, they cannot be awarded first place. There is no minimum time requirement.

Rules of Procedure

  • Selection: The speech must have been originally delivered by its author or another person, and must be in its original form. Selections may include professional speeches, public orations, eulogies, and sermons. Stand-up comedy routines are prohibited.

  • Introduction: The introduction should name the work, author, and describe the circumstances under which the speech was originally presented.

  • Memorization: The selection must be performed from memory. Use of prepared notes or scripts will result in disqualification.

  • Style: No specific style is mandated; however, contestants should develop and present a personal style. The effectiveness of the performance should be judged based on how well it influences listeners. The performance should avoid artificiality and focus on interpretation rather than impersonation.

  • Props and Costumes: No props or costumes may be used. Manipulating articles of clothing or objects to enhance the performance is not allowed. Speakers using props or costumes will be disqualified.