The Vorto Labor Day Classic

2024 — NSDA Campus, US

International Extemporaneous Speaking

Abbreviation IX
Format Speech
Entry Fee $5.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

  • International Division
  • This division covers the domestic affairs of foreign countries and international relations, including those of the U.S. The district chair will provide a list of questions based on current periodicals. This list is confidential until questions are drawn, ensuring that each round features a new subject area with no duplication of questions within the division.
  • Drawing and Preparation:

    • Drawing: Thirty minutes before the contest begins, the first speaker draws three questions and selects one. Subsequent contestants will draw questions in order at seven-minute intervals. If a contestant draws a question they have previously answered, they must return it and draw again.

    • Preparation: Contestants must prepare their speeches without consulting prepared notes or other references. They may use published materials such as books, magazines, newspapers, and journals provided:

      • They use originals or whole pages.
      • Materials are uncut and free from annotations except citation information.
      • A topical index without annotation is allowed.
    • No additional materials are allowed in the preparation room. Underlining or highlighting in one color is permitted. Internet use is allowed

  • Notes and Time:

    • Notes: Contestants can make notes during the preparation time and may use one 4x6 note card during their speech.

    • Time: The speech must be completed within 7 minutes, with a 30-second grace period. Exceeding this time may affect ranking if all judges agree. No minimum time is required, and judges must use accurate timing devices.