The Vorto Labor Day Classic

2024 — NSDA Campus, US

Lincoln Douglas Debate

Abbreviation LD
Format Debate
Entry Fee $5.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:


  • Resolution: The resolution will be the NSDA Resolution for the month of the competition. Contestants will debate both sides, with no substitutions allowed after the tournament begins.


  • Rules: Will align with NSDA guidelines.


  • Timekeeping: Determined by the judge for each round.

Time Limits

  • Affirmative Constructive: 6 Minutes
  • Negative Cross Examination: 3 Minutes
  • Negative Constructive: 7 Minutes
  • Affirmative Cross Examination: 3 Minutes
  • Affirmative Rebuttal: 4 Minutes
  • Negative Rebuttal: 6 Minutes
  • Affirmative Rebuttal: 3 Minutes
  • Prep Time: 4 Minutes per Debater