The Vorto Labor Day Classic

2024 — NSDA Campus, US

Original Spoken Word Poetry

Abbreviation OSWP
Format Speech
Entry Fee $5.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

  • Material:

    • Students create and perform original poetry designed for performance. The poetry should express ideas, experiences, or emotions through the creative arrangement of words based on their sound, rhythm, and meaning. No more than 150 words of direct quotation from other works are allowed, and such quotations must be identified in a printed copy of the poem. An introduction is optional.
  • Delivery:

    • Performances must be memorized with no use of books or scripts.
  • Time:

    • The performance must be within a 5-minute limit, with a 30-second grace period. Exceeding the grace period may affect ranking if all judges agree. No minimum time is required, and judges should use accurate timing devices.