The Vorto Labor Day Classic

2024 — NSDA Campus, US


Abbreviation STY
Format Speech
Entry Fee $5.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

  • Description:

    • A single published, printed story, anecdote, tale, myth, or legend must be retold without the use of notes or props. The story can be chosen from any theme or topic area.
  • Time:

    • The performance must be within a 5-minute limit, with a 30-second grace period. Exceeding the grace period may affect ranking if all judges agree. No minimum time is required, and judges should use accurate timing devices.
  • Reuse:

    • The student may not use a story that has been previously performed in any tournaments.
  • Delivery and Presentation:

    • The story must be delivered extempore, not read from a book or script. Performances may be standing or seated. If seated, the chair may be positioned as desired, but:
      • All legs of the chair must remain stationary during the performance.
      • Competitors must not kneel or stand on the chair.
    • Gestures, pantomime, and characterization may be used but should be restrained, with the main focus on the narrative.
    • The retelling must stay true to the original story without adding original material or making significant changes.